Fun With Glow Magazine, October 2009

Yay! I have a sneaking suspicion that I am not receiving every single issue of glow magazine, which is a shame, because then we could be doing this every month, but that's okay. I still like reading it, and I like the coupons, and it's time to go through the pages again and check out just how multi-racial our media can be!

Cover page: white

Ooooooh, Penelope Cruz!

white, white (well, maybe mixed?), white, brown-skinned PoC!

white white Asian, white white, white
white, oooo Rosario Dawson, and Scarlett Johansson, white, white

Plenty of bottles. I like looking at bottles, some of them are really creative and pretty!

white, PoC, white, white, brown?, whitewhite, white

Ooooooh, I love this: a bunch of silhouettes. I think that's very nice, since I can imagine any ethnicity in them but no natural black hair!

product product product!
white, white, whitewhite, white, white, white, possibly brown? white, white, white, white

couple shot! <3 white, white, white, and some weird article on "what your choice in guys really says about you" and some glow readers =D

white, white, white, white, white, white, photograph with a whole group of white women,

!!!!!!!!! a Diet Coke ad with a black woman! And what looks like natural hair !!!!!

Aaaaaand we're back to white. A cookie. Free lipstick.

Ooooooh. A quirky little girl with what appears to be very frizzy hair! Ooooh, it's a "stuff your kids can do for Halloween" type dealie! Let's go: white boy, that cute frizzy-haired girl (she may be mixed!), white blond girl, Asian boy in a, uh, side-kicking martial-artsy pose. And a white baby.

White, products, and white. And white on the back cover.

Join us again next time glow magazine gets into my mailbox!


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