Appearance: "Science Fiction is For Everyone" Panel

I'll be on a panel to discuss science fiction and multiculturalism next week! Here are the details:

Science Fiction For Everyone: A Multicultural Discussion

Date: April 25, 2017
Time: 2.30pm
Venue: Tech 110, Los Angeles Harbor College
Moderator: Denise Dumars
Steven Barnes, SF writer, NAACP award-winner
Bryan Thao Worra, Laotian-American writer and president of Science Fiction Poetry Association
Gregg Castro, Salinan-Ohlone activist and SF consultant
Stephanie Brown, Mills MFA, Clarion 2010 grad

This event is hosted by the Cultural Equity Workshop of the LAHC! I'll have copies of The Sea Is Ours for sale, and should be able to spend some time signing. 

(I'll also be at the campus early-ish, since the kind hostess arranged a ride from Riverside for me. If anybody wants to say hi earlier, take me to a place with good eats, or a quiet place to work, that would be appreciated!)


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