"Mana Langkah Pelangi Terakhir" goes live!

Interfictions Online, a journal of interstitial arts, has released their latest issue! This issue includes an interview with Tade Thompson by Sofia Samatar, poetry by Neile Graham and Jeanne Hall Gailey, as well as a new short story by Nino Cipri

I'm so pleased that my story, "Mana Langkah Pelangi Terakhir? (Where is the Rainbow's Last Step?)" is in such great company!

"Langkah Pelangi" is inspired by a dream I had in which I found a friend in a jail far away from home, and the last I saw of her was in a sampan punting off to sea. I get home to discover that she has died, and been mythologized. And I thought, wouldn't that be kinda crazypants to live in a work where the collective imagination could have so much power, that a dead person could become a myth that never dies? What if that was literal?

I had a lot of trouble with this story. It bounced off a couple of places, and each time I revised it, and then revised it some more upon a friend's feedback, and then again after some time had passed. I'm very glad it found a home! Thanks so much to the editors who gave it a chance. 


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