"Mana Langkah Pelangi Terakhir" goes live!
Interfictions Online , a journal of interstitial arts, has released their latest issue! This issue includes an interview with Tade Thompson by Sofia Samatar, poetry by Neile Graham and Jeanne Hall Gailey , as well as a new short story by Nino Cipri ! I'm so pleased that my story, " Mana Langkah Pelangi Terakhir? (Where is the Rainbow's Last Step?) " is in such great company! "Langkah Pelangi" is inspired by a dream I had in which I found a friend in a jail far away from home, and the last I saw of her was in a sampan punting off to sea. I get home to discover that she has died, and been mythologized. And I thought, wouldn't that be kinda crazypants to live in a work where the collective imagination could have so much power, that a dead person could become a myth that never dies ? What if that was literal? I had a lot of trouble with this story. It bounced off a couple of places, and each time I revised it, and then revised it some more upo...