The closing of another Gregorian Year

It's been a while since I posted here, because I've moved mostly over to Tumblr for much of my thinky-thoughts. It's also much more interesting and stimulating in terms of constantly flowing content and conversation, with organic conversation arising from conversations between people. I'm hoping to write another theory on how Tumblr operates to explain why it's been compelling.

I haven't written here since around this time of year, last year. It's not because I've given up on blogging entirely: I've been blogging irregularly at Silver Goggles, and in March, helped friends launch a Malaysian feminist blog as well. I've also been hard at work with  writing my MA, and I just haven't had time to sit down and collect my thoughts together in ways that I did back in 2009.

In fact, it might be honest to say that I haven't really been able to collect my thoughts very coherently in general, and when I do, I throw them up on Tumblr to see how people could add onto them. I'm not keen on the single voice into the ether format of blogs these days for what I'm starting to see as a conversation between different peoples. But I can also see the potential of the blog format still, as a placeholder for ideas that don't get lost in the Tumblr shuffle.

So, we'll see what will happen with this blog in the coming months. I hope to return to blogging here on a regular basis, but that may not happen.


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