Happy Ada Lovelace Day!

This is a blog about theory. You might have noticed that. It's a blog about intersectionality, and it's a blog about dreams, and it's a blog about people, particularly of women, and a blog about experiences and stories. I'm no computer geek: I own a Win 7 processor, have never bought an MP3, much less an iPod, I loathed the Mac, and never tried out Linux because I couldn't be arsed to figure it out. I only require basic functions on my cellphone: radio, text messaging, calculator, caller ID - none of that touch-screen, bajillion apps nonsense for me. 

However, none of this would be possible if not for technology. 

I would not be here today if it weren't for the internet. Hell, I think I wouldn't be half the person I am today, which isn't saying much in the grand scheme of things but saying much for myself, if it weren't for the capability to communicate with people across the world. 

I would not even be writing so much if not for the computer and the amount of processing I could get done with simply keystrokes as opposed to taking up whole exercise books. And that would make me even less the person I would be without the internet, because writing is so integral to who I am. 

I don't know any woman who works in technology right now, except for those fine women over at Geek Feminism. And of course there are Jessica Lin and the other creators of the sOccket

But to them, and to all other women working in the field of technology, following the footsteps of the great Ada Lovelace, I say, thank you for bringing your perspective into that nerd world, which, I know, can get utterly filled with machismo despite the propaganda of how lovably loserly male nerds are. 

And of course, thank you, Lady Lovelace, for your amazing contribution to the world. 

p.s. There are Ada Lovelace Day 2010 t-shirts, designed by the amazing Sydney Padua who writes and draws The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage which you should totally check out if you haven't already.


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